Jadies are play fashion dolls that embrace positivity, self-expression, and modesty. Today we are extremely blessed and excited to introduce Kybra, owner of the clothing boutique Pretty Lil Things, which helps women be cute & covered.
While many think of modesty as drab and oppressive, Kybra and her modest clothing boutique flips those misconceptions on their head- instead serving as a ray of sunshine that inspires women to see the freedom and fun in wearing clothes that bring out their inner gifts! Kybra offers practical advice and a contagious enthusiasm for modest fashion in our interview.
First question, what is modesty?
Who says modesty has to be boring? Not me! I know for a fact that modesty represents ROYALTY, BEAUTY, BOLDNESS, FIERCENESS, SOPHISTICATION, and GORGEOUSNESS! That’s what our boutique displays.

We want to show the world that we can please God and still be cute, covered and fabulous! Let me just add that modesty is so much more than the way you dress. It speaks to your inner person; you being humbled, you being kind, you seeing and acknowledging others around you! Modesty begins within and then comes forth on the outside with your apparel. You can be the best dressed person and still have an ugly spirit therefore making everything about you unpleasant.
That is so true! The first thing that pops into a lot of our heads when we hear the word “modesty” are rules, things like hems must be x long, but it’s really about the heart! How does modesty help us as women of Faith?
We see modesty as it pertains to dressing as keeping ourselves holy and acceptable to God, ourselves and our husbands (if you’re married). When we dress appropriately we consider others who may be tested or offended by our dressing or actions. It’s our job as women of Faith, believers of God to help keep ourselves and keep others from lusting, which is a sin! Our brothers and other men who may have the desire to lust after our bodies and women who may feel envy of the garment! We don’t want to make people feel less than themselves by wearing expensive clothing. I’m talking about thousand dollar garments! When we dress we should always think of our relationship with the Father! He has a royal kingdom and we want to make sure we are well dressed when it’s time to fellowship with Him. Whether it’s on Earth or when we get to Heaven! But the journey begins here on Earth within ourselves first. Modesty is definitely a ministry.

On the flip side, what is modesty NOT?
Modest dressing is not showing your earthly gifts but showing those spiritual gifts God has embraced us with! Keeping ourselves covered but still beautiful. Not wearing low cut tops where our breasts are exposed. Not wearing bottoms where our private area is exposed. Not wearing expensive flashy clothing that could make someone who doesn’t have feel bad about themselves, they may feel unworthy, or jealous and envious. Clothes which are tight and hugging our bodies that will have us gain the wrong attention! Modesty is not boring or ugly either! It’s not wearing unflattering clothing because we don’t want our bodies showing! We can cover up those beautiful earthly gifts and still look beautiful and gorgeous!

What are some of your fashion tips?
When you browse some online shops you may find a lot of things that are not featuring modesty; but you can certainly MODEST-IFY them! I don’t know if this is an actual word [laughs] I guess I’ve made it up! To me it simply means that you have to turn that worldly, unpleasing outfit into an outfit that will be pleasing to you, your Father and your husband. Try crop tops for that extra covering for the breast area. Try dress or skirt extenders for those skirts that may be a tad bit too short! Add a jacket/cardigan for those strapless dresses.

Try different types of shoes with your dresses and skirts. Add those cute accessories to add something extra to that outfit! And as always be confident in your modesty because you are beautiful, and if you don’t declare it who will?
As a mom of a little one, what advice do you have for moms about helping their daughters understand modesty?
Start with sharing your values of what you experience when dressing modestly. Share the scriptures in the Bible to help them understand God’s true purpose for them. Tell them every day about their natural beauty and that clothes are just an accessory to their inner beauty, it adds to them and does not make them. Let them know that they are different because they chose to grab the attention of the room through their personality, their brains, their kindness and not their body. Tell them every day all day of how beautiful and special they are! They are royalty and must dress and represent the Father and themselves as such.

Of course, we have to mention how Eve doll can help with having fun with modest fashions! In honor of this collaboration we made a mini version of the Kara dress for Eve doll.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for these dolls to come forth! It’s important to our values as believers for our daughters to have something that represents their values to play with and that can inspire them at the same time.

Kybra your uplifting advice and big heart is such a blessing, as well as providing a solution for wanting clothes that are beautiful but also modest. For our last question, what do you love most about fashion, and where can our jadies (Jesus+Ladies) connect with your boutique?
I love that it doesn’t have to be one trend! I always say to myself don’t join the trend! Be the trend! Show up cute & covered and change the world!
Shop at https://prettylilthingsboutiques.com/ Free shipping for US orders!
Follow at https://www.instagram.com/prettylilthings_2020/
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